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OpenAI - How it will change digital marketing forever.

January 11, 2023
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In our day to day lives, automation can be the name of the game. Our phones automatically correct typos as we text. We no longer have to type in phone passwords thanks to facial recognition. Our emails nearly write themselves with suggested text. We reorder our frequently used household items by talking to a tiny speaker in our home. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has drastically changed the landscape of many aspects of modern life. And when it feels like your phone is reading your mind when it presents you ads for something you’ve barely given conscious thought to needing… it should be no surprise that AI is involved there too. AI is making its mark on online marketing, just like it’s making a mark on your life generally. In particular, AI is quickly becoming an integral part of the Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing industry, and its impact is only expected to increase in the coming years.

Stepping into the world of marketing, whether it is the Performance Max campaign you are testing out, Responsive Search Ads, or allowing Google to create assets for you, you are using AI in one form or another.

But first, let’s start from the top.

What is AI?

You may only know AI as the villain in a popular dystopian sci-fi flick, or maybe you hear the term used frequently. But if you’re a little mystified as to what exactly AI is, you’re in the right place. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or a machine to learn. It involves the development of computer systems that can recognize patterns, think logically, make decisions, and learn from experience.

A few of the many types of AI:

  1. Reactive Machines: Reactive machines are AI systems that do not use past experiences to inform future decisions. Rather, they react to specific situations and execute predetermined instructions based on their environment.
  2. Limited Memory: Limited memory AI systems are those that can store past experiences and use them to inform future decisions.
  3. Theory of Mind: Theory of mind AI systems are those that can understand and consider the mental states and beliefs of other entities.
  4. . Self-Awareness: Self-aware AI systems are those that have the capacity to be aware of their own mental states and beliefs.
  5. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Natural language processing (NLP) AI systems are those that can understand and generate human language.
  6. Computer Vision: Computer vision AI systems are those that can interpret and understand visual inputs.
  7. . Machine Learning: Machine learning AI systems are those that can use data to improve their performance over time
  8. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): The ability for AI systems to learn, understand, and solve problems as well as humans can.

So, what is the difference between artificial general intelligence (AGI) and the others listed above? The biggest difference is that typical AI predicts patterns and outcomes. Well-developed AGI is capable of understanding context, can find all information relating to the context, and give it to you in a helpful way. Then in doing so – it learns.

An AGI system would have the capacity to learn, reason, make decisions, and solve problems and is able to interact with its environment, learn from its experience, and adapt to new situations. Pretty incredible right?

Fortunately, OpenAI is a company focused on researching and deploying AI, with the mission of ensuring that AGI benefits all of humanity.

OpenAI has made headlines with both Chat GPT and DALLE 2. Chat GPT is an AGI fueled chatting platform that is already on its third iteration. The chat function can carry on a conversation with a natural flow, remember earlier parts of the conversation, answer questions, and more. It’s worth noting though that the program isn’t without flaws. It’s built using data from 2021, and it’s also capable of generating inaccurate responses based on the way it processes information — human-like indeed! The future capacity of Chat GPT should be on everyone’s radar though, as we expect its abilities to grow and develop by leaps and bounds — we expect the next version that’s released to have 1 trillion parameters.

How Will OpenAI Effect The PPC Marketer?

OpenAI can help PPC marketers to better understand and target their audience with more precise ad targeting and bidding strategies. OpenAI can also help to automate many of the tedious activities associated with PPCcampaigns, such as keyword research and ad writing.

Using OpenAI will allow you to create assets more easily by assisting in the keyword research process, picking relevant keywords from a client’s website content, and extrapolating to generate related keywords about the topic. For now, a trained eye will still need to review the list for relevancy as you would for pulling keywords from any platform. OpenAI hasn’t replaced the human touch just yet, but it can improve efficiency.

Writing ads is less of a mundane task when using OpenAI thanks to its ability to write relevant and engaging ads.We used Chat GPT to generate the keywords above, and to write the ad copy below.

These are just some of the many ways OpenAI is changing the landscape. OpenAI, and AI in general, is allowing marketers to deliver more relevant content to users through keyword analysis, bid optimization, and ad creative.

OpenAI can also collect, analyze, and interpret customer data, helping to identify patterns, trends, and insights that can be used to drive personalized, targeted marketing campaigns.

It was recently leaked that Chat GPT-3 will be integrated with Bing at some point this spring. With Microsoft being one of OpenAI’s biggest investors, it makes sense that Chat GPT-3 will pair with Google’s biggest competitor. It is not yet clear how Chat GPT-3 will be integrated within Bing’s interface but it could be presented as its own browser or a new search bar.

Finally, based on what we’ve seen so far, the options for growth for OpenAI’s AGI are exponential in the coming years. We should begin to consider the broader impact it will have on Google in the next five years, which will likely hinge on continued accessibility and ease of use. For now, give it a spin and test it out or even add it as an extension on your browser and let us know what you think!

Taylor Goodwillie